
Displaying 21 - 30 of 97
Cover image of Are climate goals going up in smoke?
19 Oct 2022
Amid soaring energy prices, people across the northern hemisphere are scrambling to find ways to keep warm as the chilly autumn evenings draw-in. Wood-burning appliances and pellet stoves may seem like a good way of keeping energy bills down, but…
Amid soaring energy prices, people across the northern hemisphere are scrambling to find ways to keep warm as the chilly autumn evenings draw-in. Wood-burning appliances and pellet…
Amid soaring energy prices, people across the northern hemisphere are scrambling to find ways to keep warm as the chilly autumn evenings draw-in…
Amid soaring energy prices, people across the northern hemisphere are scrambling to find ways to keep warm as the chilly autumn evenings draw-in. Wood-burning appliances and…
Amid soaring energy prices, people across the northern hemisphere are scrambling to find ways to keep warm as the chilly…
Cover image of Unearthing the social network of trees
21 Jun 2022
Beneath forest floors, a complex underground web of roots, fungi and bacteria connects trees and plants to one another and nourishes the forest. This subterranean network plays a crucial role in limiting the effects of climate change, although much…
Beneath forest floors, a complex underground web of roots, fungi and bacteria connects trees and plants to one another and nourishes the forest. This subterranean network plays a…
Beneath forest floors, a complex underground web of roots, fungi and bacteria connects trees and plants to one another and nourishes the forest. This…
Beneath forest floors, a complex underground web of roots, fungi and bacteria connects trees and plants to one another and nourishes the forest. This subterranean network…
Beneath forest floors, a complex underground web of roots, fungi and bacteria connects trees and plants to one another and…
Cover image of How do birds navigate?
23 Nov 2021
Bird migration is driven mostly by weather and the availability of food. But how birds migrate from one region to another without getting lost is less well understood. ERC grantees Henrik Mouritsen and Peter Hore are looking into how birds sense the…
Bird migration is driven mostly by weather and the availability of food. But how birds migrate from one region to another without getting lost is less well understood. ERC grantees…
Bird migration is driven mostly by weather and the availability of food. But how birds migrate from one region to another without getting lost is…
Bird migration is driven mostly by weather and the availability of food. But how birds migrate from one region to another without getting lost is less well understood. ERC…
Bird migration is driven mostly by weather and the availability of food. But how birds migrate from one region to another…